How to buy AMPH (Bootstrap Tool UI)
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Last updated
The Treasury Bootstrap System (0x268d16fBbCe5cc427e4b26478141302B408CceF7) allows users to convert $SNX, $CRV, $cvxCRV, $BAL or $USDA into $AMPH during the bootstrap period. These assets will become protocol owned liquidity. While recommend interacting directly with the contract as outlined in "How to buy AMPH (Bootstrap Contract)", there is a temporary UI created for this on FastDapp and pinned on IPFS at:
The UI is buggy and may not work with all wallets or assets. You may need to reload several times as decentralized IPFS hosting is slow. You will need to connect a wallet for the page to load. Step 1:
On the Bootstrap Tool UI, you'll see a number of tokens and their target conversion rates
Copy the address of the token you wish to use:
Step 2:
You'll enter that token address in the token field under deposit, and the amount of that token you wish to convert into the amount section (in 1e18 format)
Step 3:
You'll hit the "PurchaseAMPH" button. You'll be asked to approve the token and then approve the contract. If this doesn't work for you, you should proceed to "How to buy AMPH (Bootstrap Contract)"